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Create a Coord for an Event You Wanted to Attend But Couldn’t

How often do you look back and think “I wish I could’ve gone to this event/meetup/thing”? Sometimes there was nothing we could’ve done, e.g. when the event was before we joined the fashion, sometimes hindsight proves that our reasons for skipping were just excuses. The past events often had some wonderful themes that we feel would’ve been right up our street. So while we can’t go to them anymore, it’s fun to think about what would we wear.

Off the top of my head I can think of quite a few events I wish I had gone to and they’re all either past TPC or SFE events. However, the one that makes me genuinely sad is Regalia, TPC’s 8th anniversary event from 2015. Why this and not Omnia Vanitas, which I mentioned here that I regret missing? Because I would’ve loved to meet Yumi Fujiwara, Innocent World’s designer. She seems like such a lady and I have grown to love the brand a lot.

For events like this there are two schools of putting together a coord: you either create an outfit to fit the theme or you show your love for the invited brand guest through your outfit. The third option is always wear whatever the heck you want and love, but that’s never event-specific, so I’m leaving it out. Of course, I can’t create an outfit that I would’ve worn in 2015 because I never had the wardrobe that I do now, so that’s not the point. However, if Regalia was to happen in the future, this is what I would love to wear – and as these are usually two-day events, I have a coord for each day!

| Angelic Pretty British Crown OP | Angelic Pretty Toy
OTKs | Cutie Creator headbow | Loris bag | offbrand
heels | Wicked and Whimsy ring | crown ring | Angelic
Pretty Chess Emblem brooch |
The first day is when you do all the walking, shopping, fashion shows (so changing if you’re chosen to model) and all in all it’s a long day, so it’s smart to go a bit more comfortable. Because of that, this is where I would chose to match the theme a bit more – and however obvious this choice may be, I’d go with Angelic Pretty’s British Crown OP. It’s a chiffon OP, so even in summer it’d be light and airy. While flat shoes would’ve been better, these heels are quite comfortable, so should be ok for a whole day of walking. This bag is large enough to hold everything one could need on a day like this (wallet, phone, power bank, bottle of water, a snack, fan etc.), yet still light enough so that it shouldn’t burden me too much. So while overall this outfit may seem quite toned down for a large event like a TPC anniversary, past experience has taught me that it’s great to look fab, but even better to be comfortable and unburdened on a full-on day.

| Innocent World Revival Sweet Teddybear JSK | offbrand
cutsew and tights | Sosic Shop shoes | Angelic Pretty Dolly
headbow | vintage flowe clip and necklace | Disney
handbag | Cutie Creator wrist cuffs | Sweet Dolly House
ring |
Day two is the tea party: a lot more relaxed and a sitting-down affair that also involves prizes for best dressed attendees. This is where you want to go OTT and really show off, and where I’d want to show all my love for Innocent World as a brand. And of course how could I pick anything else than Revival Sweet Teddybear JSK, my all-time favourite Innocent World piece? I’ll admit, I would’ve preferred something that shows off both my appreciation for the brand and would fit the regal theme, but at the moment I’m a bit lacking in pieces that easily combine both. However, I also won’t miss an opportunity to blend a Sweet print with some more Classic and/or retro styling, so this is probably what I would’ve done now. This is one of those coords where I feel it’s not complete unless it’s worn, as hair and makeup can also pull things together – so imagine this with maybe a short curly bob and some classic vintage makeup (black cat-eye liner and red lips). I love the different textures here, with the mesh blouse and lace tights, they keep the whole coord light (so practical for a summer event) and yet very classy and elegant. The whole outfit also seems very fitting to Innocent World’s type of Sweet Lolita: it’s understated and cute, without being sickly sweet or overly busy. They favour having a few just-right accessories than piling on everything that sort of goes, which is what this coord represents. And the more I look at this outfit, the more I want to wear it somewhere!

Looking at the two outfits now, I definitely feel as if they’re much more toned down than what I had done in the past. Having said this, some outfits that would fit Regalia very well are reserved for other events later this year, so I don’t want to show the same outfit twice here. But also, when I’m actually planning coords for big events, the ideas develop over a long period of time – for Lolita Blog Carnival I only have a week to mull over this week’s prompt, which is probably also why these two have come out less OTT than what I normally would’ve done.

Have you ever found yourself wishing that you could’ve gone to a particular event or meet? What appeals to you in that event? And do you know what you would’ve worn to it? If you like this kind of wishful thinking, make sure to check out other bloggers’ posts, there are some real treasures there!

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