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2019 Reflections And New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!  I can't believe how quickly 2019 came and went.  I have a feeling that 2020 will go just as fast - or maybe even faster.  If you are new to my blog then you may not know that I write a bit of a reflection of the previous year and then usually set myself some goals for to current year.  These posts are usually quite wordy so if that isn't your thing then feel free to skip over this post.  I won't take offense.  I kinda like writing these posts because it's good for me to think about what I have done (or not done) on my blog and work out some blogging goals for the new year.  Anyway, before I start really rambling lets just get started.

What a crazy busy year 2019 was.  Not so much for my blog.  It was actually the quietest year on my blog to date.  I only managed to do 171 blog posts which is less than what I did in my first year of blogging and I started later in the year.  Oops.  I did say in my 2018 Reflections post that I wasn't going to set any sort of blogging schedule (which I have previously done) and that I didn't know what the year would bring and I guess all of that came true.  I did manage to stay relatively active on my blog so I guess that is a plus but let's take a look at the goals I had set out for myself.

My first goal was to swatch everything that I purchased.  Yep.  I failed at this goal but only a little.  I did purchase the new Emily de Molly toppers and some Limited Edition cremes but I haven't swatched those yet.  I'll be doing that soon so they will be up on my blog this month sometime.

My second goal was to try and make my monthly favourites posts shorter.  I think I did ok with that (maybe because I had less time to play with things) but there is definitely room for improvement.  I really struggled looking back at my monthly posts to help with my decision making for the end of year favourites.

Untrieds are an ongoing thing with me.  I once upon a time was buying ALL the polish and buying so much that I didn't really get the chance to wear it.  I was of the belief that it was better to be purchased and live in my drawers untouched than to go to wear a polish and not own it.  While I think there is still some truth to that I have definitely slowed right down with my purchases.  I also make a conscious effort to wear what I buy.  But a lot of my original polishes I haven't worn or I haven't swatched for my blog or Instagram.  I did attempt to do 101 Untrieds to help get through some of them but I failed at my task.  Well maybe not failed.  I just didn't get it done in the time frame I had set.  Maybe a new goal for 2020?

My last goal for 2019 as to do more nail art.  That was a big fat fail!  I had a few months where I did zero nail art.  Yep.  Zero.  It's crazy that that happened especially when I think back a couple of years and I was doing multiple nail art manis a day (I use to post twice a day on Instagram).  I also use to do multiple nail art challenges a month but again that was something I didn't do this year.  In fact, I stopped all forms of nail art challenges.  I left the Digit-al Dozen because I wasn't liking the themes and my motivation for nail art had disappeared.  For the first time in years I didn't participate in the 31 Day Challenge but that was because we moved house so the timing was off.

It's not really a positive reflection on 2019 but I don't look back on 2019 as being a bad year at all.  I just didn't reach the goals that I had set out at the beginning of the year and that's ok.  I'm sure I am not the only one.  Anyway, before discussing what is to come for 2020 I thought I would share my top nine liked pictures on Instagram.  It's definitely quite the mix.

What is to come for 2020?  That is a great question.  I honestly have no idea.  Given how much I have struggled with nail time in 2020 I have gone back and forth on stopping blogging altogether.  But stopping at this point just doesn't seem right to me.  I still love painting my nails and I love blogging so I'm going to stick with it as best as I can.  With that said, I'm not going into the new year with any plans on how often I'll be blogging etc.  It will just be a see how I go type of year because as busy as 2019 was - 2020 is going to be busier again.

I'm going to keep my goals to a minimum this year:
  • To complete swatching all 2019 polishes (should be a nice easy one).
  • To swatch everything I purchase in 2020.
  • To start doing some more nail art!  I don't know what form this will take whether it will be posted here on just on Instagram but I definitely need to do some more nail art.
  • Continue working my way through some of my untrieds.   
I think that is all I have for this post.  Thanks for sticking around!  I'll be back on Friday with this month's Polish Pick Up shade from Grace-full Nail Polish.

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