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The totally doable I have a life challenge! - Guilty pleasure = Hey Baby by DJ Ötzi

Hey guys, I'm still here doing the challenge. I'm also still here with a bunch of homework I'm procrastinating on. This is my life guys. You can't change me!! The prompt was guilty pleasure. Now I have a lot of guilty pleasures. Frankly the majority of my hobbies are guilty pleasures, whether it's gaming, reading or 1930's music I felt they didn't truly capture the essence of a guilty pleasure. That's why I've decided to pick a song that really is a guilty pleasure but I love it with all my heart. Guys, the guilty pleasure is real.

So I decided to create a design based on the feeling of the song. Which of course called for pop art. I think the explosion around the "Hey Baby!" really reflects the emotions in the song. There is an exclamation mark on my index finger to show that this "Hey Baby!" is exclaimed!! I wanted a more basic colour theme and I thought it was sweet. I do really love pop art cause it just looks really cool, edgy and bold.
But seriously Hey Baby is such a song. I first heard it when I was 5 and when I recently rediscovered it over the summer; now I can't help but belt it out all over the house. It's just that kind of song that needs to be spread to send out happy vibes. That "heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey" cannot be topped. Or the oohs and the ahhs haha. It's just a nice regard too; so many songs are about being too cool for people but this one is the opposite. It's willingly asking something that people think they are too above to ask. Let's not even start on the happiness the key change brings me. It's just great.