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When Sheryl Sold Out Lance?

It was reported yesterday that a new book titled Wheelmen, about the Lance Armstrong scandal that’s coming out next week, alleges that, as rumored, Sheryl Crow was a key witness to the cyclist’s doping.

And that, indeed, she collaborated with federal investigators in exchange from immunity from prosecution.

Authors Reed Albergotti and Vanessa O’Connell, two Wall Street Journal reporters, claim that Crow accompanied Armstrong to Belgium in 2004 for an illicit, red-cell-boosting blood transfusion, and that he nonchalantly explained to the Grammy winner that it was no biggie, that everyone was doing it.

Crow and Armstrong split up in 2006, after a brief engagement. The last time she reportedly spoke to investigators about the Armstrong affair was two years ago, and she has publicly kept mum on the issue ever since.

That has got to change. I cannot imagine any interview in which the question won’t be asked.

Btw, theres a new doc about the Armstrong lie, aptly titled The Armstrong Lie, coming up soon. Check it if you care.

Photo: E! Online.

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