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D20x5 Worrying Warriors

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The tool I used to convert the tables into an automatic generator can be found here: http://meanderingbanter.blogspot.com/2018/10/automatic-list-to-html-translator-v2.html

D20This warrior fights with
1a brandistock, cunningly designed so that if it is twisted just right it will shoot out its blade like an arrow.
2an arquebus with an axe-head affixed to its stock for desperate close combat.
3a broadsword and buckler. Both have seen more combat than the warrior has, and wear it in their scars.
4a steel-shod club.
5a poleaxe with a head shaped like a grinning skull.
6a pike with a gilded tip.
7a serrated scimitar.
8a morning star with its head shaped to resemble a hedgehog.
9A sabre and its scabbard, which is sturdy enough to be used as a bludgeon and parrying tool.
10a partizan adorned with bloodstained feathers.
11a brace of pistols and a pair of daggers.
12a wavy flammenschwert.
13a tower shield painted with a roaring lion, and a long flail that can strike around it.
14a composite bow. They’ve notched vulgar insults into the shafts of all their arrows.
15a spear and kite shield. The spear bears a notch for everyone it’s killed, the shield for every time it’s saved the warrior’s life.
16a halberd with a bird’s nest impaled on its point.
17a glaive elaborated decorated to resemble a wickedly thorned rose.
18a rapier and a long knife.
19a sling with lead shot, and a seax for when the enemy gets close.
20a warhammer. Its head is shaped like an anvil.
D20This warrior fights in
1clanking old half-plate.
2a corroded coat of chains.
3iron scale-mail molded to look like a pangolin’s armour.
4treated textiles tough enough to offer some protection, dyed in abstract patterns.
5mismatched pieces of armour taken off a dozen different bodies on a dozen different battlefields.
6rattling, ill-fitted lorica segmentata.
7roughly-stitched, muddy hides from animals large and small, furry and scaly.
8a breastplate polished to a bright sheen, and poofy brocaded silk sleeves.
9plates of shell and chitin pried from the flanks of man-eating war-beasts.
10a shredded mail hauberk with arrowheads inextricably stuck in its rings.
11a burgonet, jackboots, and boiled leather.
12splinted steel vambraces and greaves, a rusty coat of plates.
13an enamelled crimson cuirass.
14barding meant for a horse, hammered out to fit them.
15lacquered lamellar.
16a cloak reinforced with light metal plates, with chains wrapped around their forearms to help parry.
17leather trousers, hobnailed boots, and woad war-paint.
18an Almain rivet with a couple missing and dented plates.
19mirror armour, its central chest disc molded to resemble an open palm.
20a brigandine coat, its cloth soiled and torn.
D20This warrior fights for
1a queen long dead, a country that no longer exists.
2the ecstatic trance they enter in the heat of battle, unmatched by any other pleasure they’ve experienced.
3revenge against the whole of the world.
4just enough pay to get them high.
5the fulfilment of their unconscious deathwish, so that they may join their fallen comrades.
6the perfection of their technique, so that they may teach the next generation of warriors.
7the only god who ever answered their prayers, a bloody and rapacious thing.
8no other reason than it comes easily to them.
9the chance to stare into someone’s eyes as they die.
10an escape from the bonds of civilized society.
11an outlet for their sublimated frustrations.
12a plot of land they dream of retiring to.
13the chance to find an old enemy on the battlefield and finish their feud.
14the sake of accumulating sin to join their damned love in the hereafter.
15a fiery and uncompromising faith.
16the approval of a father no longer able to grant it.
17accolades and trophies.
18the funds to found a warrior’s paradise.
19the satiation of a curse which demands they spill ten drops of guilty blood for every drop of innocent blood they’ve taken, or else suffer unimaginably as their veins smoulder from within.
20the naked truth they believe to be revealed in life-or-death situations.
D20This warrior stands out on the battlefield
1for their obstinate ferocity. They have never retreated from a battle without being dragged by their companions.
2for their blood-curdling war-shouts.
3for their calm and clear sight even in the thickest fog of war.
4for the elegant execution of their enemies.
5for the technical precision of their fighting.
6for their graceful, dance-like movements.
7for their unpredictable speed.
8for their brutal strength.
9for their numb resistance to pain and wounds.
10for their disrespect to fallen opponents.
11because they seek out the strongest-seeming foes to fight.
12because of their towering height and abnormal reach.
13for the nigh-impassable wall that is their guard.
14for their opportunistic hit-and-run tactics.
15for their impeccable observation of proper battlefield decorum, and fair treatment of prisoners.
16for the way their charismatic presence lends their fellows courage.
17because of the sweet scent of the perfume they douse themself with before every battle.
18for the way they can predict their opponents and plan ten moves in advance.
19for the sheer dumb luck they must have to survive their own clumsiness.
20for their dirty tricks and unflappable wit.
D20When this warrior cries out in their sleep they are reliving
1the moment they squandered an entire campaign’s worth of pay on an ill-advised gamble.
2the beatings they suffered at the hands of their mentor.
3when they had to hide among the reeking dead and were trampled beneath them all the same.
4a duel they lost by their overconfidence, and survived only due to cowardice.
5a campaign they marched for so long they forgot the smell of home.
6a rout so total that more were killed by the weight of their fleeing comrades than were on the blades of the enemy.
7a combat fought in tunnels so close you couldn’t swing a sword.
8a battle fought within fading firelight, those at the sputtering edge picked off by blind enemies.
9an ambush when they were caught wading waist-deep through mud.
10a terrible trip they suffered because of the hallucinogenic venom smeared along an enemy’s weapon.
11the moment they realized they were going to live and die by the sword.
12a fight against a monster no mortal weapons could scratch.
13the moment they received a wound whose scar still aches even all these years later.
14the turning point of a battle when those they thought were steadfast allies betrayed them.
15a time they thought they’d found peace fell into chaos once more.
16the loss of their dear love while they were away on campaign.
17the long sickness that wasted away their hard-earned strength.
18the civil schism that turned them against their brother.
19when a priest cursed the warrior with their last breath.
20the moment they sold out their comrades who planned to desert their army.

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