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How to link posts on Blogger

• How to add Favicon to Blogger

Just like the link I have at the beginning and the base of this article -

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You may have a reason to link one of your previous posts to another or even a post from another site entirely to your post, usually, if they are related in order to refer people to it.

If you are new to Blogger/Blogspot, you may wonder how this is done, this article will explain how you can achieve this.

After logging in to your blogger's account, and perhaps you have started creating a post, you may want to add a link, be it at the beginning of your article, in the middle, at the end or anywhere in your post.

• What you need to do is to get/copy the link or URL you want to link to your post

• Place your  pointer/cursor at the particular place where you want the link to appear

• Go through the icons at the top of your Blogger's platform, you will see the "link" icon

• Click on the link icon

• A pop-up window will appear

`• Paste the link you have copied in this space - "To what URL should this link go"

• At the top of the box requesting - "To what URL should this link go", you will see another space for "Text to display"

• Write the text you would like your blog visitors to see, it might be the normal tittle of the post and you may give it any other title.

• Click " OK" at the base corner.

Your link would now appear at where you have placed your pointer.

If you know the URL already, there's no need copying or getting the link, just write the URL, but you have to write it with http:// or https:// e.g  https://happninaija.blogspot.com ( you may leave it like this without adding "text to display", but it will look more appealing and organized if you add "text to display" ) will give you - happninaija (once the text to display is "happninaija") in your blog post which anyone can click on.

Hope this helps

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Related : How to add copyright to Blogger

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